Revistas da Biblioteca / Escola
de Engenharia - UFRGS
Assuntos Vinculados à Conformação Mecânica
1. Advances in Engineering Software
2. Advances Materials and Processes· International Journal
of Powder Metallurgy
3. Iron and Steel Engineer
4. ISIJ International (Iron and Steel Inst. Of Japan)
5. Jom - Journal of Metals
6. Journal of Aircraft
7. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurements and Control
8. Journal of Engineering for Industry
9. Journal of Engineering Mechanics
10. Journal of Materials Processing Technology
11. Journal of Materials Science
12. Journal of Powder Metallurgy
13. Kawasaki Steel - Tech. Report
14. Lubrication Engineering
15. Materials Research Bulletin
16. Metal Finishing
17. Metal Powder Report· Metallurgia
18. Metallurgical Transactions B
19. Metalworking News
· MPT Metallurgical Plant and Tecnology Int.
20. Nippon Steel Technical Report
21. Numerical Methods in Engineering
22. Revue de Metallurgie
23. Stahl und Eisen
24. Steel Research
25. Steel Today and Tomorrow· Wire Industry
· Revistas existentes na biblioteca
do Centro de Tecnologia